From the adidas Breaking Barriers champion’s diary: Cooperation

maj 6, 2021

The subject of the first direct sessions, conducted by champions adidas Breaking Barriers project, was cooperation. The sessions were held as part of the „Time to break stereotypes” project.

The sessions, depending on the town, were held in the first week of May. Locations: Maszewo Duże, Puck, Stare Proboszczewice and Rudniki gathered over 70 participants.

Cooperation is a concept we encounter from an early age. It is not only an activity in a group, but a very useful ability to create bonds and cooperate with others, the ability to work in a group to achieve common goals, the ability to perform tasks in a team and solve problems together.

As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, „People working together as one group can accomplish things that no one alone has dreamed of achieving”

The class started with a greeting, of course, and we also covered Bingo which was homework for online sessions. Then we introduced the topic of the classes and created a brainstorming session. The participants coped well with the answer to the question of what cooperation is.

They agreed that the cooperation ensures the efficient functioning of the team towards achieving common or divergent goals. We also discussed what is one for all all for one. We analyzed what cooperation in team sports looks like. The girls also learned what is the difference between cooperation and competition. We have shown that both of these phenomena must go hand in hand on the example of the team that wants to achieve the championship: they must cooperate to achieve goals, and also compete with others to become champions. We watched a movie together about whether cooperation pays off. The girls started the first task, „How am I?” „. Each one had a piece of paper on which a person was drawn, a name and a division into advantages and disadvantages. They know the features they see in each other. We touched on the subject of what an ideal leader looks like and what features. At the end of the theoretical part of the lesson, the girls had to collaborate to create a living statue of themselves.

The sports part started with games. The first was a trip to the “smurf village”, the players worked together to win the game. The second game was fish where the two children forming a „net” caught the others. When caught, they had to stick together to catch more fish. During the first class, the girls learned the # football3 method. They played matches and had a great time. This method consists in playing football according to the rules of Fair Play, in a spirit of dialogue. One of the pillars of this method is cooperation.

The girls were very happy to be able to participate in the project. They were eager to carry out tasks and couldn’t wait to see what else was waiting for them. The subject was understandable, thanks to which there were many conversations, the girls are willing to act and we will certainly enjoy working.

And as the beautiful quote says: „The small people compete, the BIG people cooperate, and the GREATEST people help.”

Champion of the adidas Breaking Barriers project – Kamila Kalinowska

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