Fair Play Academy – summary after first training

lip 1, 2019

We are starting preparations for the implementation of gamification in 2019. Fair Play Program leaders met in Mrągowo to prepare for the implementation of gamification tasks planned in 2019.

The themes  undertaken during the training were as follows:

  1.  How to prepare the organization for cooperation with volunteers? How and where to look for volunteers? How to promote it?
  2. Rules for creating Fair Play Teams – detailed guidelines. Including discussion of the recruitment process and issues related to child protection policy
  3. Introducing volunteers to the Fair Play Program theme (including formal matters: agreement, insurance etc.). Rules of cooperation within the framework of Fair Play Teams – creating a contract
  4. What is the football3 method – theory and practice
  5. Presentation of Football3 for All
  6. Discussing about 1st task: organization by Fair Play Team, 16 football3 sessions.
  7. Discussion about additional task financed by the Orlen Foundation: organization by Fair Play Teams of local Fair Play Festival promoting football3 sessions andUN Sustainable Development Goals.

The training was organized in Mrągowo, 28-30.06.2019, coordinated by the Youth Association of Sports Initiatives. Training was realized as part of the „Fair Play Program = Academy + Teams + Gamification + Forum + Research” project implemented as part of the Civic Initiatives Fund Program for 2014-2020 coordinated by the National Freedom Institute – Center for the Development of Civil Society, co-financed by the Orlen Foundation and with the substantive support of the Football3 for All project, financed by the Erasmus +

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