Evaluation of “football3 for girls and boys in Poland”

gru 1, 2023

This report is an evaluation of the “football3 for girls and boys in Poland” project of the Trenuj Bycie Dobrym association supported by FIFA Foundation. It was prepared on the basis of evaluation studies, including observations, evaluation workshops and interviews. The evaluation focuses on showing the project’s assumptions, its implementation and the prospects of various stakeholders.

The main objective of the project is to address unequal access to (sport) football based on gender, especially for children and young people. The project assumes the use of the unrecognised potential of early childhood education teachers in conducting physical education (WF) classes using the football3 method. Football3 is a modified football, in which the game consists, among others, of mediation between players, there is no referee in it, and the participating teams award fair play points. Football3 also assumes co-participation in the game of boys and girls. The project is used as a tool to facilitate social change – e.g. challenging gender-related stereotypes related to participation in sport.

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