Get certified as a Football3 mediator, trainer and/or manager

cze 15, 2021

football3 is a way of playing football that promotes teamwork, inclusion and dialogue. It is a great tool for working with young people (but works for all age groups!) increasing social cohesion and exchange in your community.


Following the completion of each unit of the football3 course you will gain a digital badge. With each of these digital badges you can prove that you have the knowledge and skills needed to assist experienced mediators, trainers and coaches in their sessions.

After completing the mobile course, we encourage you to sign up for an in-person training with one of our accredited football3 partner organisations. By participating in the training, you will gain a certificate which enables you to take on full responsibility as a football3 mediator, trainer or manager.


The football3 mobile course prepares you to become a mediator, trainer and/or manager. Through texts, videos, audios, exercises and quizzes you can gain and hone your football3 knowledge.

The course is divided into five units:


  • Unit 1: Introduction to football

    Unit 2: Becoming a mediator

  • Unit 3: Training players

  • Unit 4: Training mediators

  • Unit 5: Organising activities


You can access the football3 mobile course for free by downloading an app onto your smartphone or through the course website.

Now, all you need to do is register to gain free access to all five course units.


After completing the mobile course, you can sign up for an in-person training by sending an e-mail to one of the partner organisations (our is in partnership) and we will inform you about the next training dates.

**For 2021, we will only be able to offer mediator and trainer level in-person trainings. The manager training is under development.**

MSIS (Mragowo, Poland):

More football3 organisations will join over the coming months, so make sure to keep checking this page if an organisation in your country hasn’t already been added to the list.


By taking the mobile course and participating in an in-person training, you will become equipped with an innovative method that uses football for social development.

The certificate you will receive after completing the mobile course and the in-person training will serve as proof of your competence in football3. With the certificate, you will be able to join a global network of people who want to make a positive contribution to people’s lives by using football as a tool. You can connect with organisations from the streetfootballworld network that use football on a daily basis to create change in their communities across the globe, and be informed about volunteering and job opportunities, as well as opportunities to participate in events and programmes.

Come, join the football3 family and change the world through football!

project financed with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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