From the diary of adidas Breaking Barriers champion – history of women in sport

maj 18, 2021

„Today, the greatest strength is a woman” – Grażyna Torbicka

A woman – extremely strong and how powerful, fierce and always striving to achieve her goals. Often much tougher than a man. Despite this, in today’s world, women are still considered the weaker.

That is why, together with the project champions, we decided to change these beliefs. Thanks to the activities of the adidas Breaking Barriers project, we show that women have this strength and power to act.

The champions for the sessions related to the history and participation of women in sport prepared not only a presentation and interesting videos. There was also a quiz related to statistics that looked at the participation of women in various activities and more. Of course, there were also physical activities. Each location organized something different for its participants.

In Rudniki, the girls had the opportunity to meet a special guest, Dominika Napieraj. Polish athlete specializing in long-distance running. Multiple medalist of the Polish championship in cross-country, stadium and street runs. Currently, Dominka is preparing to qualify for the Olympic Games in order to be able to fight for the highest positions in the world arena. The runner prepared a training closely related to running for the girls. She told the girls her story and proved that you can start fighting for your dreams at any age and no matter what your beginning was.

The Champion from Maszewo Duże prepared self-defense sessions for the girls. They were combined with Mother’s Day. Program participants invited their mothers to the sessions to also involve them in our activities. As you know, we have the most important role in our lives. They showed us how to live and what is most important in life. Self-defense sessions brought the participants of the classes even closer together. Certainly, these were very interesting and useful activities. Nowadays, it is worth knowing the secrets of self-defense and how to behave in various situations.

In Puck and Proboszczewice, classes related to the history of women in sport are yet to take place. I am convinced that they will also be at such a high level as in Rudniki and Maszewo.

We must remember that we, the women, have the strength within us and that we can do anything. We must not forget that the woman is the strength in today’s world. Let us always walk forward with pride and perseverance. Let us fulfill our dreams and our goals, because it is in US, women, that there is a chance for a better tomorrow.

Champion Breaking Barriers – Magdalena Matusiak 

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