Fair Play Program during the Europa League Final in Gdańsk !!

maj 27, 2021

May 26, 2021 was an amazing day for the participants, volunteers, volunteers and of the Fair Play Program. Representatives of each Fair Play Team had the opportunity to participate in the Europa League Final in Gdańsk, thanks to the support of Hankook and UEFA Foundation for Children.

Hankook has been the Official Partner of the UEFA Europa League since 2012, and this collaboration offers many opportunities, one of which is giving young people a chance to become the Central Circle Officials at UEFA matches. In 2020, due to the prevailing pandemic, young people could not take part in this unique event. To continue the idea of ​​young people Leaving the Central Circle, Hankook and UEFA Foundation for Children decided to reuse the banner material prepared for the 2020 final, creating backpacks filled with special surprises for the young participants of the event.

Thanks to an invitation from Hankook and UEFA Foundation for Children, young participants of the Fair Play Program became part of the event, which was the Europa League Final in Gdańsk. After the official presentation of surprises, there was a meeting with a special guest – Mr. Jerzy Dudek – a former Polish representative, FC Liverpool goalkeeper, where he won the UEFA Champions League trophy and Real Madrid goalkeeper.

After many surprises, which caused a lot of smiles, the participants of the Fair Play Program had the opportunity to watch the Europa League Final live at the Gdańsk stadium.

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